Childdiary APP

İndir Childdiary APP Android için 2025

App By:
1.4.29 Android için
Tarihinde güncellendi:
Haz 22, 2024
18 MB
Gerekli Android:
11 and up
Table of Contents (Show)

A child diary is a convenient app for keeping track of your child's growth.

To keep children's records separate, make a list of each child and switch the calendar for each.

Don't forget to save your children's photos, daily events, and daily and repeated plans! It is also possible to set an alarm for important events!

Manual for Child Diaries

The initial window

The initial window is "Add Child". Upon opening Child Diary for the second time, the initial window is a calendar.

The first thing we need to do is make a list of your children!

Here's how to make a list

  • Click the plus symbol in the upper right corner of the calendar.
  • Add the child to the "Child List". Adding a new list can be done by tapping the plus button in the top-right corner of the window.
  • Click on "Add Child". Press "Save" after entering the necessary information.
  • You then return to "Child List". The same method can be used to add more children.
  • To display one name on the calendar, select it from the "Child List". To return to the calendar, press your mobile's "Back" button.

Here's how to switch each child's calendar

  • Once you have saved the Child list, go back to the calendar to reselect the child.

How to create a daily to-do list

  • Tap where it says "Tap here to create Event Lists." or tap the Pencil button on the left-bottom of the calendar.
  • Transfer to "Daily To-Do".
  • The weight and height of your child, as well as their daily activities, can be saved.
  • You can add new categories by pressing the gray plus button. To edit categories for each event, long press it.
  • The Save button allows you to save a new category.
  • Back button: return to "Daily To-Do".
  • Delete button: deletes a category.
  • How to edit events.
  • Use the event icons to edit.

Here's how to create a Daily Event

  • Use the left-bottom button of "Daily To-Do" to press "Plus".
  • Make it a "Daily Event".
  • Moveup button: Move the event up a day or two.(b) Putoff button: Move the event to the next day or after.
  • CheckMark: Once the event is complete, press the checkmark. A check mark will appear on the calendar's list.
  • Delete button: Deleting the event.
  • Press the Menu button in the Daily Event window. With the "Reminder" button, you can set an alarm for the event. Emailing the event is possible by clicking the "Email" button.
  • Complete the form with all the necessary information and save it by pressing "Back" on your mobile device.

Here's how to create a repeated list

  • Tap the right-bottom button (Plus with arrow) on "Daily To-Do".
  • Select the "Repeated List" window.
  • Then press the "New" button.
  • Move the event to "Repeated Event". The event can be saved by entering the required information and clicking the "Save" button.

The buttons on the calendar

  • To-do button: Move to "Daily To-Do".
  • Today button: Return to today's date.
  • Left/right button: Change the date.
  • Graph button: You can see graphs here.
  • Photo List button: Move to the "Photo" window.
  • Camera button: Take photos or import photos from the album.

Here's a photo window

  • Click "Photo List" on the calendar.
  • Move to "Photo".
  • Click on one of the photos, then click "Photo Edit".
  • You can comment on each photo.
  • Save your comment by pressing your mobile's "Back" button.
  • Press the "Album" button of "Photo".
  • Move to "Album". Turn over the album cover to see the photos.

How to edit saved photos on the calendar

  • Tap one of the photos that are saved on the calendar (You can see small-sized photos above of calendar's buttons.).
  • Move to the Edit window.

Left-top: Email button→send the photo by email.

Right-top: Twitter button→upload the photo to Twitter.

Left-bottom: Move to the Photo Edit window.

Second left-bottom: Rotate left→rotate photo.

Middle: Clipping button: Clip the photo.

Second right-bottom: Rotate the right photo.

Right-bottom: List button→Move to Photo window.


The Childdiary APP is a highly useful tool for parents to keep track of their child's daily activities, milestones, and memorable moments. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, the App allows parents to create a diary of their child's life, capturing important events and milestones with ease. The App also provides useful features such as reminders, photo albums, and a journal, allowing parents to document their child's growth and well-being. Overall, the Childdiary APP is an essential tool for parents who want to preserve and cherish the memories of their child's early years.

Childdiary APP Screenshots